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Flutist Tracy Doyle is the Director of the School of Music at the University of Puget Sound. Previously Tracy spent fifteen years as at Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado where she taught applied flute and courses in music education. Advocacy, equity, and community engagement are at the heart of Tracy’s work as a musician, educator, and leader. Having taught at a variety of levels including elementary general music, secondary instrumental music, and higher education, her holistic philosophy of music education inextricably links education with performance.

Multidisciplinary collaboration is at the core of Tracy’s creative activity as a flutist. She finds joy in performing in a variety of settings ranging from solo, chamber, and orchestral to Irish traditional music. Performances have taken her throughout the United States, Australia, and Japan. As a member of the Japanese-American Apricity Trio, with clarinetist Chiho Sugo and percussionist James Doyle, she recently released a CD titled Sandhill Crane featuring newly commissioned works as well as standard repertoire. Tracy is a regular performer at the National Flute Association Convention and was a winner of the Convention Performers Competition, premiering several new works for flute and piccolo. Tracy currently serves as piccoloist with the San Juan Symphony in Durango, Colorado and is on faculty with the Santa Fe Flute Immersion summer intensive.   


Tracy earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in flute performance from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, and her Master of Music and Bachelor of Music degrees in music education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. In her free time Tracy enjoys hiking, kayaking, yoga, cooking, and spending time outside with her dogs.   


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